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& Adoniram Judson, Jr. Mission and Ministries Center
10560 Airline Highway ~ Baton Rouge, LA 70816
Phone: (225) 296-3943

vbs 2024


Greetings from Executive Director Dr. Tommy Middleton

Sermons - Tommy Middleton


Dear BAGBR Churches,  

Luke 2: 49 “…did you not know that I had to be in My father’s house.” 

Losing Jesus.  How could Joseph and Mary have been so careless…struggling desperately for three days to find Him? There are many discussions on how they lost Him. Often in ancient travel people grouped together in caravans. The women traveled together and so did the men.  The children would stay in one group or the other.  So, Mary and Joseph may each have assumed that Jesus was with the other parent. Also, they had at least six other children (Mark 6:3), so the assumption would be that He was with one of the traveling groups.   It was not until evening when they realized they were missing Jesus.  This seems like the most plausible explanation, but this is only an inference from the text and tradition.   To their great horror they realized they had somehow lost Jesus. 

Is it possible these parents could lose Jesus, not intending to, but because of their busyness in life and schedules, assuming He is with them and yet He is not?  Their frantic search in Jerusalem concluded when they found Him in the temple.  Similarly, too many “lose Jesus” because they are searching in all the wrong places and fail to go back to the place where He can be found…at church.  Instead, they are looking for other things, with other motivations. If they would have started at the last place they had left Him—the last place they had worshipped together as a family—then all this trouble never would have occurred.  We need to go back to church, with one thing in mind—finding Jesus—listening to Him, being grateful, but also repentant.  Mary fussed at Jesus, but in reality Jesus had not run off, they had left without checking, without counting heads, and without keeping all their children as their priority. 

If you have lost Jesus, the best place to find Him is where He will be found most easily…at Church:  a Bible believing, Gospel preaching one!

 In  Christ,
Tommy Middleton

Read more about Dr. Middleton >


2024 BAGBR Events


* Baptist Association of Greater Baton Rouge
*Disaster Relief
*Seafarer Ministry

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The Baptist Association's Mission


The Baptist Association of Greater Baton Rouge has as its present mission (A) to establish new relationships between both the churches and pastors; (B) to strengthen existing relationships of the churches and members through a commitment to a vision for kingdom growth that is larger than the local church. This commitment can be evaluated by the degree to which the local church members will penetrate their community with the Gospel of Jesus Christ through family and community orientation and social involvement that exemplifies the caring and sharing nature of Jesus Christ.


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The Baptist Association of Greater Baton Rouge
10560 Airline Highway ~ Baton Rouge, LA 70816
Phone: (225) 296-3943

Email: office@bagbr.org

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